Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Gott in Himmel

Little Eliza Frueffensluger is shown above, placing a sacrifice offering at the feet of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder just moments after Schroeder, in a stunning move, named himself a god.

"I just felt that it was the right move for the German people, and the right move for the ruling coalition, for me to become omnipotent." Schroeder explained.


  1. Ok, maybe I need to explain the joke. See, the picture looks like the girl is offering her teddy bear to Schroeder. See? Like he's a giant German tiki God. See??


  2. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I got it - Just took me a while to learn how to post a comment.
    It's not this complicated over in Grabland

  3. Yes, is very much like Xanadu...

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Thanks, I now have that damn Olivia Newton John song in my head


Be compelling.

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