-Martin Luther, -1521
"Ooh, it feels warm," I said, as the bright light of the copy machine scanned past my wiener.
I lay athwartships, across the industrial-sized copy machine at Kinkos. It was really quite late, or really quite early, depending on which side of the morning you were used to. The shop was open 24 hours, and our friends ran the graveyard shift. We stopped first at the 24-hour Tommy Burger around the corner, then proceeded to waste much time amongst the reams of multi-colored copy paper.
KROQ was playing in the background. Swedish Egil was likely hosting the show. Nary a customer had been seen in hours.
So, it seemed, as these things often do, or did, that it would be a good idea, or at least an interesting one, to photocopy my member...
And so I did.
The result came out with exaggerated contrast and striking black-and-white clarity. It resembled a small bratwurst lying upon a bed of bean sprouts. In 8.5 X 11 glory, it was quite disturbing.
So, considering for a moment what we had, we decided the best course of action would be to autograph it as a group and fax it in to the radio station. which is exactly what we did. Sadly, however, Swedish Egil never acknowledged out late-night contribution.
The exhibition experience, though, was liberating. Sending the signed copy out into the universe was invigorating.
That having been said, you perverts who regularly read the Lounge and who frequently comment, have gotten all your panties up in a bunch, figuratively and literally, over the last couple of days. Talk of panties, and briefs, and boxers and bras has reached a fever pitch. Taunts and dares and oaths have been made.
And plan has been hatched. And here it is. We're all gonna show our drawers. The boys and the girls. The old and the young. The big and the small.
So far, the only Lounge reader who has ever had the balls to post a picture of their underwear on the Lounge was Amanda. HERE. And she is committed to doing it again, as well as several of the folks involved in Wednesday's comments...
So, why, you may ask, would anyone in their right mind deliberately share photos of their skivvies with a gaggle of familiar strangers? First, it's fair. There are enough idle lurkers lurking about in the Lounge who visit and read, but never contribute. As Inog points out, folks come here for the comments, not the posts. And, well, the commenters are gearing up for a little good natured exhibition.
Second, it's liberating. The posted photo of your undies will be anonymous. No one (other than me) will ever know who the photo is of, and I'm not telling.... Here is your chance to take a step, and expose a tiny portion of your soul. You're not, after all, exactly baring all...
Third, well, we dare you.
So, how does it work. First you, or someone who you know very well, takes a picture of your underwear. (you can also take a picture of theirs) No porn shots please, no head shots either. This is just a friendly photo exhibition, so put on your friendly undies...
You choose the angle and the composition: front, back, side, 1/3 view, 1/4 view, a small unidentifiable patch of your boxers, the tag hanging out of your thong... Whatever. This is not a contest.
Second, I have created a Lounge Mail address over in the right side column. (MrGinAndTonic@gmail.com) Email the photo to that address. Remember, I will not be sharing anyone's identity, so be bold and have fun. Oh, and, you need to be IN the underwear...
Yes, this is a stupid and juvenile stunt. I accept that. Now go take pictures of your underwear.
Yes, this is real. I already have commitments from 5 or 6 folks.
Yes, cowards who flake out will never hear the end of the taunting.
Yes, fair is fair, I'm posting one of me as well.
I expect the men will not let the women show more courage and daring, right?

Let me get my balls all sweaty at the gym first...
ReplyDeleteI'll be sending mine in this morning...you other gals better not chicken out on me!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, especially you Red.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with this is that I'm not sure I WANT to see the other men (esp all you guys!) in their skivvies... when you post them, can you group them? Women first, then men? That way I can stop scrolling when I get to the last woman shot. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWell Helly you might at least get a good laugh from the guys' photos....
ReplyDeleteAs much as I enjoy a good laugh, I'm not sure it's worth risking blindness ;-)
ReplyDeleteJust panties - no bra shots?
ReplyDeleteOh, thats easier then...
I think you'll be just fine Helly and don't forget you said you had something up your sleeve for today....
ReplyDeleteHmm, I dunno, I've seen some of these guys fully clothed, and I still stand by my assertion :-D
ReplyDeleteBesides, how much sun do you think they get? Even if the undie shots aren't bad, their skin will probably blind us ;-)
And I sent my pics in. I guarantee nobody will go blind by them... that is, if he actually posts them! *chuckles*
I'm sure he'll post them and good for you Helly.
ReplyDeleteYou know all the guys are gonna puss out anyhow....
Ha! Good point.
ReplyDeleteAnd as long as none of the guys wear thongs, I guess we'll be okay.
Reminds me of this pic a friend once forwarded, of a fat hairy guy in a g-string... with his balls hanging out the sides, it left little to the imagination!
Brian, you really have gone to a new low. Well done, but you ain't getting shit from me.
ReplyDeleteDr. Bri-- that was my first reaction, too, but then the wheels started turning... just put your thinking cap on, I'm sure you'll come up with a palatable solution ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, please MEN--NO THONGS
ReplyDeleteDr. B! Come on, you can come out and play with us, I thought you were going to give us some leopard skin....
ReplyDeleteNo thongs?! Bummer... that's ok. The crocodile skin was chafing anyway, and those emu feathers get everywhere.
ReplyDeleteAnd Lisa - You'll have to consult with Mr. G&T, but I don't think the rules of the contest have any such limitations.
And Mr. G&T - you're not going to submit the pic of yourself that I had on my fridge for a year or so? The one from Third Street (I think)....
Inog, I expect good things.
ReplyDeleteAnd Dr.B, don't be a total puss...
And Mitch, the picture you had on your fridge didn't have any underwear... Remember, this is all about underwear!
We have submissions from TWO readers already!
Only 2? Well Helly and I have admitted to sending ours in already to Red and Lisa, where are yours.
ReplyDeleteAnd seriously men, don't puss out, I'm so sure, it's just underwear
I'm still working on it - I have no batteries in my camera so you may have to wait for tomorrow for mine
ReplyDeleteand I'm working on Dr Bri on IM but he's very shy...
Lisa-- just swipe someone's cell phone! ;-)
ReplyDeleteLisa, use a cell phone and email it in...that's what I used
ReplyDeleteDr. Bri is shy?
I have my own phone
ReplyDeleteEver tried to take a pic of your own ass with a cell phone???
OK, so Marge managed it..
ReplyDeleteI'll have a go later. Good job Im not as drunk as last night
and yes, Dr B is being shy
Actually Lisa I have. You can do it, it just might take you a few attempts.
ReplyDeleteJust pose in front of a mirror and take shots of your reflection :)
ReplyDeleteIm not frickin shy...just have no appeal in underwear. Seriously, nothing to see here move along.
ReplyDeleteWe need to get Family train to run accross the Vons parking lot naked again.
Ok, I've sent
ReplyDeleteCome on boys - your turn
Go Lisa! Where are you Red?
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, boys, your turn...
True... Brian was on my fridge... touching the hand of G-d.
ReplyDeleteIts very complex.
But you're right - it wouldn't qualify.
I should probably clarify, I won't post the submissions until Saturday morning. That gives everyone allday Thursday to read the post, and all day Friday to work on your pictuer. So, get them in by Friday night (PST).
ReplyDeleteAlso, if the girls keep suggesting that the guys aren't going to look good, I suspect the guys aren't going to want to participate...
Oh and for the couples, you can post in pairs if you'd like...
I would like to clarify that all I said was these guys are going to puss out on us and not send anything in
ReplyDeleteI'd just like to say that all the male members of the lounge are hunky gorgeous specimens of men and that I for one can't wait to feast my eyes on their boxers, tight boxers or Calvin Kleins.
ReplyDeleteThere - how was that Brian?
Well.. you said no thongs....
ReplyDeleteI think this sets a nice precedent of all kinds of contests the Lounge could sponsor...
Though, the timeline does raise all kinds of questions as to what to do to fill that photo void between now and saturday... Hmmmm...
You should definitely post them tonight, so we can all enjoy our Friday at work tomorrow checking out everyone's undie preference and trying to guess whose is whose...
ReplyDeleteJust for the record...whichever picture creates the most raw animal attraction, well, that one is not me.
ReplyDeleteI thought for sure that Marge and Red would be flooding emails with their submissions...
ReplyDeleteMitch--I have submitted mine, ask Mr. G&T. I sent 3 different shots if you'd like to know.
ReplyDeleteSo where's yours?
Marge - sorry, I hadn't seen them, so its tough to know.
ReplyDeleteAs for me - well, if I had a nickel for every picture Brian had of...er....
I challenged everyone, do you really think I'd back down?
ReplyDeleteSo, I guess you'll have to take my word for it, ask Mr. G&T or get him to post them sooner, mine are definitely there
We have submissions from 4 different folks so far...
ReplyDeleteI excpect Dr. B's in the near future
Odd that the posts recieving the most traffic and comments are those dealing with pleather, lingerie and nudity...
ReplyDeleteNot that there's anything wrong with that...
Just an observation.
You love me... You REALLY love me!
ReplyDeleteWow Marge I'm as indecisive as you - I sent 3 shots too..
ReplyDeleteDo you think Brian's getting much work done today?
That depends on what the photos contained...
ReplyDeleteThen again, I haven't see him responding to very many of these posts...
I sent 2, but it wasn't due to indecision. It was front shot + back shot :-D
ReplyDeleteNothing says he can't post ALL the ones you've sent him!
I was a bit indecisive, but it ended up a front shot, back shot and close up of the material
ReplyDeleteThey all sound very artistic.
ReplyDeleteI am sure that Brian will be grading on quality, creativity and volume.
5 submissions so far. Remember kids, it's not a competition. It's an exhibition only...
ReplyDeleteThere will be no grading...
5 is plenty. I agree with Marge-- post them tonight so we can read it tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteYes, post what you have tonight and then maybe more will be brave enough to send them in and you can post as they arrive...
ReplyDeleteOk Ok I'm Here! Damn that work shit that keeps me from internet pantie raids- so are we posting "all" or just one? let me know... if more then one is needed, I'll man up and meet Marge and Helly cuz i guess the guys are lacking in the wild child genes...
ReplyDeleteIs that a threesome proposal?
ReplyDeleteand I guess-- submit as many (or as few) as you want.
No, not a three-way proposal, I'm just a freaking tease- but my offering of my ass is in...
ReplyDeleteYes Red we'll be looking for yours, I wonder if we'll be able to guess which are yours? I submitted more than one shot, so go girl, do what you want....