Princess Leia had been captured, and was bound with a twisty-tie. Darth Vader had come to interrogate her beneath the ficus in the giant ceramic tortoise. At the far-end of the coffee table, Luke, Han (with the small head), Chewbacca, Lando and Obi-Wan were strategizing the rescue. Obi-Wan had the mad Jedi skills, but Han’s shooting arm was permanently hooked in gun-fight position. So, naturally, Han Solo would be handing out the dark-side ass whooping this evening.

The Force was strong with their plan, the time was right. They would send Luke first to draw fire. With luck, he would get hit, as he usually did, and die a hero. And then… It was time for dinner.
It was 1980. I was 9 years old.
Slowly, reluctantly, I collected all of the accessory weapons, and put them in the hermetically sealed Tupperware container. I scooped up the good guys next, and carried them to my room, laying them out on the floor against the wall, ready for action. Next, I collected the bad guys and did the same. This was precise work. I was anal about these things. I could not tolerate the misuse or mishandling of toys. I mean, my god, I still have all of the accessory weapons, even the tiny shard of plastic passed off as Princess Leia’s gun…

I returned from school, probably ate a snack, and quickly decided to dive back into the Rescue Under the Ficus! The good guys returned to their stations, the bad guys to theirs. Various appropriate armaments were doled out. However, I discovered, there was one extra gun. It was a Storm Trooper gun, that was plain to see.
Quick count: One, two, three, four, five. Five…. Five Storm Troopers!!!??? OK. Don’t Panic. Check the room. Not there. Look again. Definitely not there. Look under the coffee table. Look in the ficus. Dig through the couch. Look under the bed. Ask mom. Ask dad. Ask sister.
Ah… sister…
No, she had no opportunity. No one visited the house while I was gone. Mom did no cleaning around the battlefield or the bedroom. We had a dog, but he lived outside.

To this day, I have no idea where it could have gone. I find myself driving down the freeway, or sitting in arbitration, and my mind will wander through thoughts of conspiracy and secret hordes of stolen Storm Troopers. The truth is out there, but I will never discover it. And worst of all, I still have the goddamn superfluous gun, stored securely in a sealed crate in my parents’ garage.
I really think you should ask your sister again....
ReplyDeleteAs my brother will never see this, I can admit, for the first time, that it was I that put his Chewbaca figure down the toilet....he really shouldn't have messed with my Barbies
Sisters are evil...
ReplyDeleteYeah Richard thought that until I started my nurse training.....then I became his best friend - I'm sure it was nothing to do with the parties in the Nurses' Home...
ReplyDeleteor the free vicodin...
ReplyDeleteThere really isn't a mystery here. I just got tired of Brian.
ReplyDeleteI believe Mr. Trooper is here, in Fletcher, North Carolina (still missing his gun, I might add).
ReplyDeleteHow he got there remains a mystery.
Bri, I threw away that box of old toys of yours. I hope that is OK.
ReplyDeleteLove, Mom.
I learned from the Howard Stern movie that it is important to be honest with your audience. Embellishing for effect, sure, but basic honesty is important to maintain rapport. So, why are you loathe to admit that the Star Wars figures, in their Darth Vader head storage box, including Leia, her gun, and her cape made of a 1970 orange, pink and yellow sheet are in fact under the house where they have been since Rescue in the Lego Castle a few months ago? Someday you will be able to blame these excursions on the Monkey. Not yet.
ReplyDeleteUm, is someone going to say something about lessons"learned from [a] Howard Stern movie..."?
ReplyDeleteWhat's that? The joke is already completely apparent from the statement itself? OK, good. For a minute there, I thought it was only me.
Wait, you have a Lego castle? And a Darth Vader storage box? Holy crap! Can I come over and play?