This is the last of the rhyming titles.
Unfortunately, this one will also mostly write itself.
Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, was killed today, apparently by a stingray barb to the heart, while filming on Batt Reef, near Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia. He is survived by his wife Terri (from Oregon!), daughter Bindi Sue, 8, and son Bob, 3.
Sure, Steve was a lunatic, but we've all gotten stuck while channel surfing to watch him chase "the most dangerous snake in the world," and we all could do the same bad impression: "Crikey!"
I suppose a guy who makes his living wrestling 14-foot crocodiles, and picking pit vipers up by the tail, has to have a stunted life expectancy, but come on, a stingray??
Many of us wondered whether it was all real. Just how much control was there? How much danger was he really in?
Well, now we know.
Goodbye Steve. Thanks for the adventure!
Reading for Comprehension:
1. What's the biggest reptile you've wrestled?
2. Have you ever perfected your own personal death roll?
3. Cage match: Crocodile Dundee vs. The Crocodile Hunter?
1. Well there was this guy on holiday - oh wait, you're not talking about that kind of snake..
ReplyDelete2. No, girls don't do things like that
3. The Crocodile Hunter - no contest
And I agree on the Stingray, he could have least been eaten by a killer shark
Gee, another educational comment from the princess. I'm sure no one was aware of that little tidbit. Let's all thank the princess for bringing medical knowledge up to era before Christ's birth.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I'm sure Steve thought the same thing the moment before death - "Come on, a stingray??"
I'm surprised you haven't died of hysteria yet. So you have pnemonia. (And, no, I didn't pay attention to your previous self-centered comment. Why would I?) I know plenty of people who have NOT died of pneumonia. Chill out a little and expect to take some crap when you are incapable of commenting on anything but yourself.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I wish I said what anonymous said.
ReplyDeleteCage Match...
ReplyDeletePrincess leah v Anonymous
Princess leah v The Stingray
Anonymous v The Stingray
Leah, since you haven't noticed, I'm always mean to you. It has nothing to do with trying to be witty. Catch up, little girl.
ReplyDeleteI am too.
ReplyDeleteCrikey! Fer the perpoos of soyance, weer gonna poot the preencess in a foiting pit with aynoneemous, the MOST dayngerus cammenter een thees bloge. Weel let theym dook it oot to the feenish!
ReplyDeleteSomwan geet me a booshy stick!
Sadly, no.
ReplyDeleteim just pissed that the sting ray got him before I did.
ReplyDeleteWomen are a brood of Vipers!!
ReplyDeleteAw, too bad Leah gave up so easily. And I was ready to concede the cage match because she could just start talking and kill my will to live.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute, last of the rhyming titles? But there are tons left to go! I mean, there is airlock, babcock, bach, balk, bangkok, beanstalk, bedrock, blalock, bloc, block, boardwalk, bock, burdock, buttstock, cakewalk, calk, catwalk, caulk, cellblock, chalk, chock, clock, cock, cognac, cornstalk, crock, crosswalk, deadlock, defrock, doc, dock, epoch, fetlock, firelock, flintlock, floc, flock, forelock, frock, gamecock, gawk, goshawk, gridlock, gunlock, hawk, haycock, headlock, headstock, hemlock, hitchcock, hoc, hock, jaywalk, jock, kapok, knock, kulak, leafstalk, livestock, lock, locke, macaque, mach, matchlock, mock, mohawk, moonwalk, nighthawk, o'clock, oarlock, outwalk, padlock, peacock, penstock, petcock, pibroch, pock, polack, relock, rimrock, roadblock, rock, rootstock, rorschach, schlock, shamrock, sheepwalk, sheetrock, sherlock, shock, shoptalk, shylock, sidewalk, skywalk, sleepwalk, slovak, smock, sock, spacewalk, squawk, stalk, stock, stopcock, talk, ticktock, unblock, undock, unfrock, unlock, walk, warlock, wedlock, windsock, wok, woodblock, woodcock....and a bunch others, for sure.
ReplyDeletePlease give the rhyming titles another shot.
Finally. Leah commented on something other than herself.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Leah. This is just one small step towards humanity. Keep up the good work.
And, we've managed to scare away another new reader for Brian. Good job, folks.
In my Napolean Dynamite voice,
ReplyDelete"you guys are retarded"
Princess leah and anonymous need to make love and albino ferret needs a root canal to brighten his day.
Brian, Take charge brother!!
As commenter of the year, you should know that I have no power here. I merely create a place to facilitate the free exchange of ideas. I agree about the princess and anonymous though, just for the record...
ReplyDelete1. my peep
ReplyDelete2. don't understand the question
3. steve Irwin for sure!
4. I think you're hot.
your secret admirer from san diego
I want to touch your snake
can we have a drink together some time?
can I look up your kilt sometime?