Welcome back from the holidays.
Can someone please explain NASCAR to me.

OK, so, I frequently make fun of NASCAR, rednecks and hillbillies. I suppose my public derogation of others unlike myself, yet similar to distant members of my family, really just helps me feel better about myself. I recognize that. It causes me shame.
So, hmmm... I wonder whether there is anyone out there who can explain this thing to me.

And so, in an effort to see the other side, take a new perspective and give something new a chance, I sat down recently with a beer and some chips to watch some loud and colorful display of NASCAR engineering prowess.
From what it looked like to me, a bunch of guys were driving their cars in an oval, making a whole bunch of left turns. They would occasionally stop for gas and maybe a potty break. Then, sometimes, they would crash. Spectacularly.
That seemed to be just about it.
Oh, there were advertisements all of the cars and the people, but everything was moving so fast, I couldn't really read anything.

What confused me, really, was the crowd. It was HUGE. There were like a million people there to watch the cars go around the oval. And they were cheering. Loudly! However, I couldn't really figure out what they were cheering for. Were they cheering the cars? Like, do they support their favorite advertiser?
Go Pepsi car! Go Aquavelva car!!
Were they cheering the drivers? I don't think so. I mean that doesn't make sense. If the Pepsi car is faster than the Aquavelva car, does it make any difference who is pushing on the gas pedal?
Maybe they were cheering for the crashes. If so, I fear for the future of this world. Although, I guess I shouldn't judge. I mean, there is something for everyone I suppose. The Universe has seen fit to provide me with scotch, BBQ and Battlestar Galactica. Hillbillies should have their day at the races too, and fat hairy gay men should have all of the rough sweaty man love they can find as well.
Which leads me to gay porn.
"Gay Bear" porn, to be precise. Yes even our homosexual friends have fetishes and predilections...

Someone's been a bad boy.

C'mon, give him a cuddle.

For more information on this unique pastime, I recommend the Boise episode from Season 2 of Dave Attel's Insomniac series.

Oh, and I suppose that was NSFW. Although, that probably depends on where you work.