And really, how better to mark this momentous Lounge event than by auctioning off transsexual midget porn to raise money for the Barack Obama For President campaign??
Am I joking?
No, sadly, I'm not.
And there it is. As horrible as the cover is, the sample scenes on the back are worse. (Or better, depending on your personal predilections.) As for the film quality, I cannot comment. The DVD case is still secure in its plastic wrapping...
Remember, this is for charity, folks. We are helping to fund the campaign in the battleground states. Dig deep for this one.
Perhaps, you might want to be creative. for instance, the top bidder could direct me to SEND the DVD to anyone they want. So, hopefully, bidding will be active!
Remember, the gin and tonic kit auction below is still open until Friday night. Buy some gin and send Obama to the White House.
Opening bid is $1.00
ReplyDeleteI'll start the bidding at $ it for a friend...really.
ReplyDeleteGo Bill! Now you're thinking.
ReplyDeleteAs a little inspiration:
For $10, I'll send this to Dr. B's house...
For $15, I'll send it to his office
For $20, I'll send it to his office marked: "Critical Supplies, Open Immediately."
Go ahead and see what video I will send out.
ReplyDeleteI should auction off the black tape. No, I'll save it for a more worthy cause.
I'll go $20 if you send it to Dr. B's office marked "Critical Supplies, Open Immediately."
ReplyDeleteMarge, If you don't get outbid by Tom on this one I will be shocked.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and send it. Midgets need love too.
You know what, I'll bid $50 to send it to my office marked, "office manager only"
The look on her face will be worth it.
Dr. B's $50 bid brings a tear to my eye...
ReplyDeleteWe have a winner!
ReplyDeleteThe midget porn auction ended last night at midnight. I am very very pleased to announce that Dr. B was the top bidder.
His office manager is in for quite a surprise!
And a hell of a sexual harassment suit for sure!!