Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Scarlett Johansson.

Sexy, no?


  1. Scarlett is very hot. I'd do her.

    Although I am surprised -- I didn't think she was nearly emaciated enough for you. ;)

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Her tits are so big, I wonder if they're actually decently shaped or if they're horrifically shaped and distorted in form.

  3. Amanda, we're working to find out.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Thank you Dave for your diligence for the good of the community.

  5. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Go Dave Go!!! Her lips make me blush. I wonder if she would let me take an impression of her molars

  6. She has tits?

    Now I got to go google..

  7. Ok, I googled

    Hmm, let us know Dave when you find out

    and B.S, her lips were the first thing I noticed but Im not sure if putting what you want in her mouth is ethical

  8. If anyone else was unaware of Scarlett's divine fortune: here.

  9. That will please all the ass men that come on here..

  10. Anonymous4:29 PM

    she's so cute that I won't even mention what an embarrassingly horrible actress she is.

    a friend of mine told me she has a smelly butt, though.

  11. Anonymous8:44 PM

    and B.S, her lips were the first thing I noticed but Im not sure if putting what you want in her mouth is ethical

    Tis - Lisa - i would be suprise if BS DID something ethical.

    Hugs and kisses BS - your un-ethical side is - endearing.

  12. Anonymous11:43 AM

    OK wait a sec!!! What exactly is unethical about me? Those charges were dropped, the rash has cleared and the DNA test was accidentally tainted.

    Besides, my interest in Scarlett is one of research and is completely professional.

  13. Ev asked if I wanted to meet you when Im in LA next month staying with her. I said I'd have to keep my mouth shut the whole time - has a double meaning now..

  14. I've heard it from good authority that Dr. Brian judges people by their teeth.

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    more importantly, have you seen that Anna Nicole has died?

  16. yes, strange she dies the day after Dave republishes the Dead Honkey strip where she sleeps with Brian....

  17. Anonymous4:48 PM

    we need a blog dedicated to anna nicoles boobies, you think they are still warm?

  18. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Still warm? I'm sure they are still alive. Those weren't boobies. They were symbiotic organisms that lived off of Anna Nicole.

  19. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I just want to say thay are tits. They are fuckin Awesome!


Be compelling.

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