One case blurs into the next. Rear-ender. T-bone. Side-swipe. Air bags. Seat belts. Neck pain. Head ache. Lumbar disc bulge. MRI. Wage loss.
And then the whining begins.
But, it's all so much white noise, formless buzzing, without meaning. It is all so sterile and distant. It's words on paper and lies under oath. The abstract idea of a crash holds no emotional meaning for me any longer.
I sat eating a yellowy goo at the Mediterranean buffet, just up the hill from my office. The goo was good, and tasted unidentifiably familiar. I sat beside the big bay window facing the street. Slowly, one-by-one, I began to notice the cars heading up the hill having more and more problems. The ice sheet was thickening, doing nothing for uphill traction.
One unfortunate lady ("dumb bitch" according to my lunch companion) refused to put down her cell phone while she careened one-handed backward down the hill in her minivan. Eventually, a tire caught a patch of dry pavement and she stopped, straddling the line, blocking both lanes of traffic, still talking on the phone.
While she waited, the impatient man in the Volvo behind her made an end run. Now, Volvos are great cars, with great safety control features. However, ice is ice, and rubber is rubber.
He slid out of control inches from the minivan. The boy sitting behind me gaped with amazement. His dad gave an, "oh Oh OH!" My lunch buddy grinned with grizzly excitement. Even I, jaded as I am to the very notion of an automobile collision, set my jaw against the gory exhilaration. I wanted so badly, with passionate desire, to see the metal twist, and to hear the screech and ripple of a tearing fender. I wanted to hear the crack and smash of breaking glass.
But it never came.
Moments later, another car slid by, down the slope, on a trajectory toward another van stopped at the bottom of the ill. And again, disaster was averted by mere inches. The disappointment of the patrons and wait staff, now gathered around our window seat was palpable. The spectators, all of us, wanted action. We wanted to see the crash. We wanted to witness the destruction. I, for one, felt a lust-like urgency for it to happen.
ultimately, I was let down. Probably for the best. No one, it seems, was hurt. It wasn't until later, upon reflection, while I drove the monkey home from monkey care, that I contemplated the feelings that I had experienced. Was it blood lust? Perhaps. Though I wished no specific ill on the participants.
Why is it that millions of NASCAR fans pay big money to watch hours of racing with the mere hope of a five second thrill? Why does freeway traffic stall for miles behind rubbernecking gawkers at an accident scene? Why do we revel in the ill-fate of others?
Maybe it's just me. I'm really OK with that.
I suspect, though, that it's all of us. Maybe it's curiosity. Maybe it's a subconsciously sadistic surge. Maybe it's an inherent celebration of our Darwinian superiority over the less-fit in our gene pool.
Who knows.
I do know that my companion and I both drove out of the parking lot, leaving much room in front of and behind our cars. I, for one, got back to my office in one piece.
Car accidents are fun. I recommend at least one every five years. It's our duty as insurance premium payers to keep all the honest and empathetic lawyers in business.
ReplyDeleteyour big accident would have been extra fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get a toothache the next time you are down here.
ReplyDeleteSo if it's ok to admit it's fun to watch a car accident, can I say I love it when a patient has a cardiac arrest on my shift?
ReplyDeleteBecause I do, it makes my day, Im an Adrenaline junkie
You may not have wished ill will on any of the drivers on the hill yesterday, but I think the dumb bitch with the cell phone deserved a little brain damage. You could almost see her saying in to her phone, "OMIGOD! My Jeep is, like, totally, sliding backwards and I'm, like, sooo in the wrong lane now. Like, I so totally don't know what's happening." Brain damaage could only improve her situation in life.
ReplyDeleteI'm driving over the pass Sunday morning to ski before depositions in Bend Monday. Wish me luck with all the "dumb bitches" and "red neck assholes" as I drove over the icy pass.
ReplyDeleteIts much more enjoyable to see a "red neck asshole" pass me in his rusted jacked up Ford pick up slide off the road into a ditch than a "dumb bitch" cluelessly spinning her wheels while talking on a cell phone.
and even much more enjoyable to see a "red neck asshole" pass Ryan in his rusted jacked up Ford pick up and slide off the road into a "dumb bitch" cluelessly spinning her wheels while talking on a cell phone.
ReplyDeleteI'm still clean.
ReplyDeleteOne word, and it's one of my favorites: