Monday, November 06, 2006


I suppose it is election day. So, if you haven't voted already, go vote.

And of course, by "Vote," I mean go and do whatever you are capable of justifying to yourself to punish the pig-headed jack-booted red-neck religion-twisting brown-man-hating bible-thumping cocksucking hypocrites who stole the GOP from me.

Punish Bush

Punish Cheney

Punish warmongering

Punish partisan betrayal

Punish corporate corruption and executive treason

If Daniel Ortega can abide by and participate in constitutional democracy, so can you.


  1. What's a GOP and why did they steal it from you?

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    GOP stands for Grand Old Party (Republican Party). The party of Abe Lincoln, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan. I think they just kicked George W. Bush out of the party though.

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Thank god for vote by mail. I voted two weeks ago.

  4. Don't forget Richard M. Nixon, Ryan.

  5. AWWW, It's nice to see you so cheerful today!!

  6. Anonymous1:36 PM

    True, Dave. And don't forget the amazing 4 month administration of notable Republican, James Garfield.

  7. Anonymous2:36 PM

    T-shirt of the day: "Bomb gay whales for Jesus".

  8. As long as that's Whales with an "h"

  9. Anonymous8:23 PM

    It would seem the Dems are doing pretty well. Praise Jesus.

    I'd also like to point out that your Osama Bin Laden prediction was wrong. I guess you only look like Miss Cleo.

  10. Thanks Tom. True, but the Saddam Conviction came in, which won't be carried out until October 2008.

  11. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Screw the elections. Got my reading done in time to watch "House" only to have the election crap take over.

    Of course I voted.


Be compelling.

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