Since the American Revolution, over 40 million men and women, like Sgt. Dabbindark, have served in the US military during times of war. In fact, there are currently more than 25 million veterans still living today.
Each and every one of us owe these veterans a debt of thanks. Even the federal government, in its wisdom, has done it's share to thank these courageous heroes. In honor of the sacrifices made by these many gallant warriors, The United States Government has seen fit to give them the greatest honor it can bestow. That's right, you guessed it, the vets get a six-mile stretch of freeway in the state of Oregon. They call it "The Veterans Memorial Highway."

My daily commute rushes me past the forested median and rippling rivers that line this memorial thoroughfare, and I do not take nearly enough time to apprehend how pastorally pleasant it truly is.
So, recently, when I had the opportunity to reduce my speed to 5 miles per hour over an extended distance, due to the poor driving habits of some overturned minivan-driving soccer mom, I began to take note of the finely forested groves along the median. Shady and cool, it looked as if ODOT keeps the grass and shrubbery mostly manicured, much like a park, and I began to wonder whether the original memorial concept called for families to hold Veteran's Day
or Memorial Day outings right there in the middle of the memorial highway...
So, if you ever find yourself on I-205, and off in the median, under a tall stand of poplars, you spot a camp site set up around a crackling camp fire, pull over and say "Hi." Chances are, it will probably be me, and as always, I'll be pouring drinks...
We used to play lazer tag while driving. There was also a time when we overheard "white dog" on the CB radio in Brian's grandparents van but we wont go there.