Odds are, you're smart. Yes, I'm talking about you.
I've recently been averaging about 50 readers per day on this crapass blog, a solid landmark to stroke my ego. Some of you quietly visit. Some of you email me with rather sweet fan mail. Some of you leave comments. Some of you can't shut the fuck up about your pregnancy.
I keep track of these things, because, let's face it, I'm a whore for external validation. I mean, I'm not blogging for my health.
Some of you are doctors. (Well, OK, one of you is a dentist.) Some (one) of you are nurses from foreign lands. A few of you are students. Several of you work with computers and/or the internet. Overall, however, the largest group of you are goddamned lawyers. Yes, you all know exactly who the hell you are.

Now, I won't pretend that Law School wasn't an awesome orgy of booze, sex and debauchery, because it was. In fact, it was a deviant hedonistic safari to degrees only dreamt of by mere mortals. God Bless George! Are you with me? GOD BLESS GEORGE!!
Sorry, I've been drinking.
So, KC has applied to the old alma mater, and truly, I wish her nothing but the absolute best in her endeavors. The school would be lucky to have her as a student, and I'd be the first in line to write a letter of recommendation. (Although, I suspect there is a certain former Oregon Supreme Court Chief Justice whose letter would bear more weight...) I mean, anyone who can put up with her husband for as long as she has, possesses a Herculean spirit worthy of any challenge.
So, good luck to KC! I'm sure some of my WUCL alumni readers may have a word or two of advice.
By the way, if you are a WUCL grad, and you don't recognize the title, you weren't paying attention.
eshay sownway ymay sasway
ReplyDeleteIt's pig latin.
Well there goes another person selling their soul to the devil and making money off of other peoples misfortunes. Better start conditioning your liver now. Alcohol numbs the guilt of destroying peoples lives for money.
ReplyDeleteOh did I say that out loud?
So the name "gin and tonic lounge" is appropriate after all.
ReplyDeleteInside voice, Brian, inside voice...
ReplyDeleteAhhh... WUCL.
ReplyDeleteI do have to say, law school encompasses 10 of the best years of my life... No wait, that was undergrad... It all gets so blurry....
I WOULD say that WUCL's a fine choice, though, significantly less attractive now that the Tahiti is the site of a bank drive through.
BTW: for those of us who weren't altar boys and didn't have to learn latin: "We are not born for ourselves alone."
Thats funny, I thought all you lawyers had the same slogun.
ReplyDelete"kick 'em while they are down"
Well, actually, our motto is "Hey, it's a filthy Dentist, take his cash!!"
ReplyDeleteFilthy...I like that. Kinda like the needles I use in all my laywers oral cavity. Actually, all the lawyers in my practice are pretty good patients, not many cavities with all that alcohol floating around.
ReplyDeleteso all of that gin is good for my oral hygiene?
ReplyDeleteBrian, you may have something there... Gin in the air/water syringe lines. hmmmm. What a practice builder that would be. (If I wanted more lawyers as patients)
ReplyDeleteLeah, so how are you juggling the whole pregnancy and alcoholism thing?
ReplyDeleteLeah's current gestating brat is her third. It's like a spare. So, it doesn't really matter much if it comes out a little hooked on the juice...
ReplyDeletebut not as many as Starbucks, so now you know your place...
ReplyDeleteDay isn't over yet.
ReplyDeleteoh SNAP!
ReplyDeleteI'd post more about the Paris photo, but she WAS clothed....
ReplyDeleteSo Starbucks determines value? I thought it was camels.
ReplyDeleteOh, I sense some padding going on. Yes, yes, the KC blog post now holds the Lounge record for most comments.
ReplyDelete“Et lux in tenebris lucet.”